Hello Blog-o-sphere!
You'll be glad to hear that Rachel is free of her plaster splint, so she has been able to upload some new photos!!
Over Canadian thanksgiving, which was about two weeks ago, Rachel and I took a trip to Calgary to visit some relatives she has there. It was good times :).
A few photos of our trip.
Saturday we went to Heritage Park, which had all sorts of old building and cars etc. Oh and people in funny costumes. And really really really really good gingerbread. I know I'm supposed to be an obligate carnivore, and all, but man they were some good cookies.
Rachel liked this log building for some reason. Looks cold and drafty to me...
there was a paddle steamer. We went for a ride. Nice day for it too, as you can see.
And a steam train. Rachel also likes steam trains. She's weird. Kept saying something about 'turning into my father'...
A plane. I wanted to go for a ride on THAT one. Sadly, it was attached to the roof.
On Sunday we went to the town of Banff. It's a fairly touristy place, and a big place for skiing. Except there was no snow, so not so much with the skiing. But it's pretty...although you can't see much because there's too many mountains in the way...
Also, apparently there's a cosmic ray station there
whatever the hell that is...Pay no attention to the giant hand, by the way.
And finally this. How Canadian can you get? A moose. Dressed as a mounty. Sweet as.
Hopefully I shall soon have some more blogworthy adventures. Until then, I frequently post things that are not-quite-blogworthy on twitter. You don't have to be a twit to see them. Just go to www.twitter.com/geraldtheraptor and you can see them without signing up.
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